Stephen Schaff

How did you first become involved in real estate?

After thinking about Real Estate for many years, a good Realtor friend of mine encouraged me to take the plunge and start the Real Estate course in Alberta. Once licensed I joined one of the RE/MAX offices in Calgary and off to the races.


Can you provide an overview of your journey in the real estate industry?

Thanks to the encouragement and coaching of my good friend, I gained a lot of knowledge and experience quickly. I was able to earn the confidence of a few sellers and buyers in my first year as an agent. I had a few listings and helped some buyers. As it does, life took a turn and I made the move to Vancouver Island after only one year in Real Estate in Calgary. I made the move to Vancouver Island with my cat and joined the brokerage at RE/MAX of Nanaimo. After two successful years at RE/MAX in Nanaimo, I made the decision late in 2023 to expand my horizons and move to the eXp Realty brokerage and join John Cooper & Associates.


How did your previous experience prepare you for a career in real estate advising

In college, I took Business Marketing and learned a great deal about the importance of branding and consumer behavior. I learned about the 4 Ps and they are just as important today as they were back then.

More recently, in the IT industry, I spent a lot of time working face-to-face with clients, managing budgets, and negotiating contracts. I worked in my client's best interests at all times and loved helping them get great value for their services.

In another career, I was in the Disaster Restoration industry doing water and fire restoration, mold remediation, and asbestos abatement. That has helped me to hone a keen eye for potential issues when looking at homes.

On the more artistic side, my Mother was an interior designer, so I was always surrounded by architectural and home design magazines. I've always loved looking at homes, architecture, and properties to adapt my tastes to what I would like. To this day I still love looking at homes; now with clients to help them find the perfect one for them.


What are the core values that guide your approach to working with clients and conducting business in the real estate sector?

I believe every good business is founded on integrity, honesty, and delivering excellent value. The same fundamental principles apply to Real Estate. I like to deliver an experience for my clients that exceeds their expectations in terms of communication, reliability, and level of service. How I do that is by being prepared in advance, anticipating speedbumps and always going the extra mile.


What about being in real estate makes you the happiest?
I enjoy researching and selling homes, but what I love the most is helping to guide people toward their perfect lives. My favorite part of working with clients is being able to say "Congratulations!"



Beyond your professional life, what are some of your interests or hobbies?

I have spent a lot of time studying ancient civilizations. I believe we can learn a lot from the past, and that their lives weren't much different than ours. The things that are important to people haven't changed that much in the last 6000 years.

On evenings and weekends, I love to play pickleball or go hiking or kayaking with my girlfriend. Vancouver Island has some amazing hikes and I'm always blown away by how close they are - you never have to travel far for some of the most spectacular views in the world.

Sailing and skiing are seasonal activities I love to do. The climate on the Island is so diverse, that I'm thrilled to be able to do everything I love all in one place!


Describe your perfect day off.
A perfect day off would find me relaxing on a boat or on a beach spending time with the people I love. I can't imagine anything better.


What sports do you watch for entertainment?
I like to watch NFL football. I'm in a couple of fantasy football leagues and get a charge out of watching the games my teams are playing. I like to do player analysis and quite like winning.

Formula One racing is another one I like to watch. I used to race go-karts - although it's a completely different scale, I get a thrill out of feeling like I'm racing again.


What is your favourite type of music or some of your favorite bands?
My musical taste is very eclectic. I'll play some Lyle Lovett or Jon & Vangelis while cooking dinner, some Gorillaz while driving in the car, and some Mozart or Robert Johnson when just relaxing. Led Zeppelin, Billy Joel, or Eminem are always great for any occasion.


What books(s) are on your must-read list? 
I read mostly non-fiction, business, or real estate-related books these days. I've also discovered audio books and find that's a great way to get to the information efficiently. Some fiction books that affected me and altered my perspective at various points in my life are The Robe, Ishmael, Pillars of The Earth, and Cryptonomicon.


If you won the lottery, how would you spend your time? Where would you live?
I've thought about this quite a lot - if I won the lottery, I would continue to live on Vancouver Island and sell Real Estate. After all, you've got to do something with your time.


What is the most amazing place you have ever traveled to?
I've traveled to some amazing places in North and Central America and Europe. One of my favorite places was Bulgaria - a total hidden gem in Europe. Another favorite is Guatemala - a very beautiful country.


Where would you like to travel to one day that you have not?
Bora Bora, Maldives, and Santorini are at the top of my list right now. There are several other places I'd like to go, especially places with ancient ruins or interesting architecture.


Not including Vancouver Island, where in the world would you choose to live?
I hear good things about New Zealand. I would consider living there for sure.


Stephen Schaff

Agent | License ID: 190052

+1(250) 918-5010

