Introducing the New Logo for John Cooper & Associates - A Symbol of Direct Connection and The Power of 3!

by John Cooper

❤️🙏❤️ I am proud to introduce the new logo for our real estate firm ‘John Cooper & Associates’. Formerly known as the ‘John Cooper Group’. Why did I make the change?

In 16 years of real estate advising it has become abundantly clear that home ownership is a high-stakes game. If you are a homeowner the stakes have never been higher. If I were hiring a professional advisor to help me make the best decision possible, I would want to know precisely who I was dealing with. I would want to know that the person I am hiring is the person who will be guiding me through the decision-making process.

The name on the sign at the end of my driveway is the same person that I invited into my living room and shared my fears, concerns, and goals with. I would want to know that the person whose hand I shook after I signed the agreement is the person I can call to make sure the services are delivered as promised. I want to look them in the eye and feel a connection with their character.

John Cooper & Associates has been structured to ensure homeowners have direct access to me for every critical step in the process. I have teamed up with the best support professionals possible to ensure that I can be available for all of your critical moments and not be overwhelmed by the myriad of less critical tasks. Allowing me to show up present, calm, and ready to connect with you meaningfully and guide you to a decision you can be proud of.

The logo itself came together synchronistically. As we worked through different designs, the 3 “O’s” in ‘John Cooper’ formed a natural triangle. The designer we worked with understood the power of 3 and as the team and I thought more about this it became very clear that this was meant to be. The Power of 3 speaks to the Earth Sun and Moon, a beginning, middle, and end & represents mind, body, & soul. The 3 Core commitments that guide our culture (coming soon) were also influenced by the ‘Power of 3’. #thepowerof3

I am really proud of our new logo and I hope you like it. 

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